The Bay Area Community Concert Band owes its ability to serve the community to the generous audience and to our sponsors who help keep us going. Our sincere thanks and appreciation to the following.
Contributing Nonprofits
The band is humbled by the generous nonprofits and civic organizations who contributed to its continued operation.
Do you want your logo proudly displayed? Logos can be displayed upon request, with an annual contribution of $500 or more. Visit our Support page to review your options.

Floyd Ingram Charitable Trust
Individual Sponsors
The band is most grateful to the following individuals who have generously contributed to its continued operation.
The following sponsors donated $100 or more in support of the band. The Sponsorship list is updated annually. You can become a sponsor too! Visit our Support page to find out how.
- Paula Bectold
- Thomas Bennett
- Karen Blew
- Martha Blochlinger
- Linda Bufton
- Bruce & Debbie Carpani
- Marlene Carpani
- Peggy Christensen
- Family DeLeon
- Judy Dixon
- Jan & Paul Doyle
- Denman/Wolvin Family
- Tom & Carol Foster
- Martha & Gary Gregor
- Elizabeth Groben
- Jill Hayner-Thompson
- Judy & Wilbur Jensen
- Bruce Lum
- Mary Paczesniak
- Jonathan Park
- Antoinette Poole
- Sally Prouty
- D & S Rabin/Richardson
- Mary Schultz
- Rod & Penny Schweitz
- Butch & Jacque Shields
- Judy & Dale Snyder
- Doug & Cricket Souels
- Dana & Linda Sweatt
- Nancy Tedder
- Carol & George Ventgen/Perkins
- JR & JK Wagner
- Georganne Wicklund
- Marilyn Wilson
- Jerry & Ann Zabriskie
- Kathleen Zappelli
Members Emeritus
The band honors the following retired members emeritus.
- Marlene Carpani, clarinet and Charter Member
- Lester Simons, clarinet and Charter Member
- Judith Snyder, saxophone
- Connie Sweeney, clarinet
- Gary Wiese, percussion
- Jerry Zabriskie
Community Support
The band would like to express gratitude for ongoing support of the following:
- Faith Lutheran Church
- First Presbyterian Church, performance venue
- Hyssop Production, web services
- North Bend High School, rehearsal space
- Sally Simpkins, poster design
- South Coast high school music programs: Bandon, Marshfield, Coquille, Myrtle Point, North Bend